What is a Family-School Compact?
Each year, as part of our Title I program, Battlefield Elementary School students, teachers, and families work together to develop a Family-School Compact for Achievement. This agreement outlines how our parents, our entire school staff, and our students will work together to share in the responsibility for improving student academic achievement, as well as describes how the school and families will create a partnership to help our students meet the challenging state academic standards through frequent, two-way communication.
Annually, input is collected from parents, students, and teachers. This input is compiled and presented as a draft for final parent approval at our Fall PAC meeting. Approved grade-level Compacts are sent home with each student along with a signature sheet for parents, students, and teachers to sign, indicating the role each has in the education process. The Compact will be utilized throughout the school year and extra copies are always available on the website, in the Family Resource Center and at Title I meetings. We look forward to developing our Family-School partnership!
If you would like to provide input toward the Family-School Compact, please contact Andra Herpst, Parent Involvement Coordinator.
Third Grade Compact
3rd Grade Compact - Spanish
3rd Compact - Nepali
Fourth Grade Compact
4th Compact - Spanish
Fifth Grade Compact
5th Grade Compact - Gujarati
5th Grade Compact - Spanish
5th Grade Compact - Vietnamese